Mehr Hygiene und Gewinn für die Lebensmittelindustrie
The processing and storage of perishable goods is an ever-present problem, especially for food processing companies. Countless bacteria ensure that meat, sausage, dairy products, vegetables, etc., even with the most modern storage and refrigeration technology, only keep for a short time and quickly become unsightly. Normal storage in cold storage rooms delays the deterioration process, but even here there are still many cold-resistant germs and bacteria that take hold of the goods. The deterioration process of foodstuffs is often accompanied by high costs for premature recycling or even disposal. In addition, there are the requirements of the authorities for hygiene and cleanliness, which naturally involve high investments.Beispiele von Einsatzorten
- Kühltransporte
- Fleischverarbeitungsindustrie
- Metzgereien
- Bäckereien
- Molkereien
- Grossküchen
- Kantinen
- Grossmärkte
- Verkaufstheken
- Catering - Betriebe
- Hotels, Restaurants und Raststätten
Beispiele von Teilbereichen:
- Kühlräume
- Reife- und Lagerräume
- Auftaubereiche
- Verarbeitungsräume
- Abfüllbänder
- Verkaufsräume
- Kühltheken
- Laborräume etc.